Renowned comedian and film star Agya Koo, also known as Mr. Kofi Adu, has been officially welcomed as the newest member of Ghana’s vibrant Die Hard Supporters Group. The unveiling ceremony was held in Kumasi, the Garden City, and was marked by a brief yet impressive event.
Agya Koo committed to adhering to the group’s rules and regulations while pledging his support for Ghanaian sports. Abraham Nkansah, popularly known as ‘Apirigu Chakapama’ and the leader of the Die Hard Supporters, emphasized the significance of Agya Koo’s inclusion. He believes Agya Koo’s popularity will help open new opportunities for the group and boost support for Ghanaian sports.
Apirigu Chakapama reflected on Ghana’s long absence from winning the Africa Cup and expressed concern over the perceived decline in Ghanaian sports. He hopes the supporters will play a crucial role in motivating, encouraging, and inspiring athletes to excel.
The Die Hard Supporters Union is known for its dedication to supporting various sports disciplines beyond just football.