Title: Mathew Cudjoe Shines with Goal and Assist in Bnei Sakhnin’s Win Over Beitar Jerusalem

In a thrilling display, 20-year-old Mathew Cudjoe delivered a stellar performance to lead Bnei Sakhnin to a 2-1 victory over Beitar Jerusalem in the Israeli Premier League on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Cudjoe’s playmaking brilliance came early, as he set up Konstantinos Sotiriou’s opening goal at the 12-minute mark.

In the second half, he continued to impress, contributing a hockey assist that set the stage for his own goal in the 54th minute. Taking a pass near the center arc, he threaded the ball to Obeida Darwish on the right, who squared it into the area for Cudjoe to finish with precision, extending the lead to 2-0.

His impactful performance earned him a man-of-the-match rating of 8.3.

Written by Emmanuel Atanga

I am an ardent sports fan who is so passionate about the world of sports. I love to share my passion for sports with fellow minded people like you. Please join me on this sports journey as i delve into all the action that gives us so much joy.

Published on November 6, 2024