Ghana Spent $15 Million on Athlete Meals During 2023 African Games, MP Reveals

Ghana Spent $15 Million on Athlete Meals During 2023 African Games, MP Reveals

Kobena Woyome, Ranking Member on the Youth, Sports, and Culture Committee of Parliament, has disclosed that Ghana spent an astounding $15 million on food for athletes during the 2023 African Games. This expenditure, reportedly incurred over just 18 days, was detailed in a document presented to the parliamentary committee.

In an interview with Joy Sports, Woyome emphasized that the committee has requested additional information regarding this expenditure and is planning to launch an investigation. He pointed out that out of the $245 million spent on the games, $15 million was allocated solely for feeding athletes.

The committee is now seeking to verify the number of athletes involved and other related details. This revelation comes amidst ongoing controversy surrounding the broadcasting rights for the African Games, with conflicting claims from the Sports Minister and the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) regarding the funds allocated for coverage.